Our Impact
I want to thank you so much for your help in providing food for Karamoja. We were able to provide food to 300 families. The hardest thing for us was to separate the desperate from the extremely desperate.
One beneficiary whispered in our ears “We thank God for this food that is going to take us another 10 days but we will need to get our tummies re adjusted again to staying without food for long periods”.
Team up with Pastor James
God doesn’t need our money. What he’s truly after is us. Yet, how we use money is a very accurate indicator of where our heart is and what we value. Jesus said, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21). Giving is an act of worship and an act of commitment; to the community of believers, and those in need.
The Masters’ kids was a result of a huge educational demand and high poverty levels in our community. The day-to-day survival was more important than education.
Medical Outreach
The need in the community drives us to periodically do medical outreaches. We bring together a medical team, we buy the medicine and we render this free.
Pastors' Conferences
Many pastors do not have formal pastoral training due to low literacy rates and high tuition fees. To curb this we organize regular pastors’ conferences to address these issues.
Food Gives.
With a community of 22,000 families in dire need, waves like the recent pandemic really test our resilience on food giving.
Our numbers that speak
Our numbers do push us to give our best and make sure that we continually reach our community. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.